Friday, January 2, 2009


As I mentioned in a previous post, we are refinishing the floors upstairs. This is part of our nursery creation series of renovations.

I don't have a good "before" picture of the third bedroom, previously known as the office, but here is a photo from about two years ago. You can see the yellow walls, blue carpet, bookshelves and yellow curtains.

The first thing we did was to tear up the stained carpet, and we discovered that the wood floor had been painted light blue. This was weird, but not entirely surprising since the master bedroom floor was painted white. We painted the nursery walls light green and redid all the trim in clean white.

Then the floor guys came in and got rid of all that blue paint. It turned out to be a very pretty Douglas fir underneath.
Yesterday we moved the main furniture in and got an area rug. I also bought new curtains that I still have to put up, and I had to order a new crib, so I'll wait for the final "after" picture when it's all done.
As long as we were doing one room, we decided to go ahead and do the entire upstairs... These projects always snowball! The master bedroom was done at the same time as the nursery. Genevieve's room and the hall will come next.
As I said, the mater bedroom floor was painted white. Inside the closet it was painted dark red. I have peeked under the hall carpet, and it's that same color. I'm not sure yet what's under Genevieve's carpet!
The master bedroom floor wasn't red fir, it was yellow pine. Not quite as pretty, but still looks good. This house is a patchwork of different materials from different eras.

Last night we finally got to sleep in our own bed again. But there's still a lot of stuff to sort through before we move onto the next step...moving everything out of Genevieve's room and tearing up her carpet.

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