Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas was a little off this year. With the floors being refinished upstairs, the house is in chaos and we have been sleeping in the living room. We're on the fold-out couch, and Genevieve camps out on the loveseat. That means that we actually sleep right in front of the Christmas tree--something John says he always wanted to do when he was a kid.

Genevieve didn't get up any earlier than usual on Christmas morning, but that still meant 6:45 am, which is earlier than John would have liked. She discovered that her stocking had been filled overnight, and even Prince and Doodles got treats in theirs.

This is all the loot from Genevieve's stocking.

I gave Genevieve my iPod for Christmas since I now have an iPhone. In the picture below she is staring at me in disbelief--she was amazed that I let her have it. Her favorite gift, though, was the iDog I gave her to go with it.
After presents at home we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Fortunately they have a chess set. She beat me at it. John's much better, thoough, which is good because he teaches her a lot. Here is the American Girl doll that Grandma gave Genevieve for Christmas.

Overall it was a good day. Genevieve got to see her cousins for a while, and afterward we went to Lights on the Lake for the first time. We all really liked it. On the way home she fell asleep in the car so we never did our Hannukah thing that night. Not a problem, we made up for it the next night.

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